HWCG General Update & Forecast


HWCG's management is pleased to inform you that the West Vela drillship is =

qualified for flow and capture operations and HWCG has received an acceptan=

ce letter from BSEE. Kudos to Steve Scanio and Adam Hunt who have spear hea=

ded this effort with PTS and several contractors. This work was accomplishe=

d just in time for the Q4000's departure from the GOM. The West Vela will b=

e a back-up vessel to the Q5000.


We have several upcoming activities and projects which may be of interest t=

o you or members of your team.



HWCG will be scheduling a Systems Integration Test (SIT) that will entail i=

nstalling the RCS onto the Open Water Landing System (OWLS) winch frame and=

 landing the RCS onto the lower frame. The RCS|OWLS SIT will occur at GFM i=

n Houston later this year once the SIT plans are finalized and all equipmen=

t is ready for the demonstration. HWCG will provide at least two weeks' not=

ice to allow members confirm attendance.


Seahorse is finalizing revisions to the SSDI nozzle mounts for the mudline =

dispersant kit and HWCG will schedule the SIT and demonstration once the mo=

unts are confirmed to be sufficient for the operation. We'll ensure the sch=

edule allows for a least two weeks' notice to members to confirm attendance=

. This activity will also occur at GFM in Houston.



HWCG is finalizing plans for to test the SilCam 6000 cameras which measure =

oil, gas and particle size distribution for water column monitoring. FEED w=

ork has been completed and final integration is progressing. The SilCam - R=

OV integration and test will be performed in late Q4-2024 or early Q1-2025 =

based on facility schedule. Preliminary work has been completed, and we wil=

l coordinate with Apex, CSA and Sintef to schedule the test date. Members w=

ill be provided ample notice to schedule attendance.


HWCG has begun the Front-End Engineering & Design (FEED) work to develop co=

ncepts for a hydromechanical dispersion system that could eliminate or sign=

ificantly reduce the need for subsea dispersants. We envision a scaled test=

 of the concept to be done at Ohmsett in New Jersey where the SilCams will =

also be used to measure PSD for effectiveness. Fabrication will commence on=

ce the concept is selected and sanctioned by the Steering Committee.


We have secured funding from the Steering Committee to provide access to a =

Trendsetter owned 15k Trident IRS next year, which can be utilized by membe=

rs for typical well intervention or abandonment operations and can also be =

used in a response for flow and capture, well kill and intervention operati=



Most recently the Steering Committee approved funding for a Static Offset F=

lowline to be used during flow and capture on shallow water wells or for we=

lls having dry trees on floating facilities where vertical access is not av=

ailable. This project is expected to be completed in late 2025.


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